Well, 2025 is shaping up to be very interesting already. As of today, the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) has already sold 2,179 houses/condos/townhomes. There are currently 3,353 houses/condos/townhomes for sale that you could buy right now. People are calling me left and right to buy and sell, and houses are moving quickly.
2024 saw more houses sell than 2023. And 2025 is ahead of that. I think people were in wait and see mode, and now everyone who has been waiting is tired of waiting.
What does this mean for you?
If you are looking to sell, the craziest time of the year is the Spring market, and it doesn’t really slow down until it starts to get cold at the end of the year. So putting your house on the market is extremely beneficial, because there is a lot of pent up demand out there. I can help you position yourself to get sold quickly, for good money, and do so with as little liability as possible.
If you are looking to buy, things are moving quickly, and they will only continue to speed up for the foreseeable future. I can help you position yourself to get the house you want without over paying for it.
In other words, give me a call. As always, I love doing what I do. I love looking at the market, and I love building relationships with the people I get to help. Let me know how I can help you. Call me today. You can reach me at 515.724.3163 or RyanLynch@KW.com. I am good at what I do, and I want to help you.
~Ryan Lynch