I am checking in to let you know we are in what is typically the most explosive time of the year. After making it through those beautiful Iowa winters, everyone is getting antsy and ready to move. This means more houses on the market, and more buyers out looking for them.
Right now, there are 3,405 houses active on the market. In the last 30 days, 2,216 houses have sold. Think about that for a moment. The last 30 days included incredibly cold temps, blizzards, and Spring Break. And we still sold the equivalent of sixty-five percent of the houses on the market at this very moment. And typically it only heats up from here.
So, if you are a seller, call me. I will help you position your house to get the maximum foot traffic and put you in the strongest state for negotiations. I can keep you safe, and help you every step of the way, so you can know you are making informed decisions and doing what you need to do to get your house sold.
If you are a buyer, I can make sure you are protected, and help you craft the strongest offer possible for the house you want. I can protect you as well, and make sure you are moving smoothly towards your new house.
Call me. I want to help.
As always, I love doing what I do. I love looking at the market, and I love building relationships with the people I get to help. Let me know how I can help you. Call me today. You can reach me at 515.724.3163 or RyanLynch@KW.com. I am good at what I do, and I want to help you.
~Ryan Lynch