I hope the year is ending well for you. Real estate is seeing a rise in inventory for the first time in a long time. As of this writing, there are 3,727 houses for sale on the Des Moines Multiple Listing Service. It has been over a decade since we have seen numbers like this. And really, houses keep selling as well.
As of right now, 12,709 houses have sold this year within the Des Moines MLS. That is off our high of 2021 where we sold 16,671 houses by this time in the year. And it is just barely higher than the 12,434 houses sold by this time last year.
What does all this mean? Interest rates have slowed things down. Really though, it has just stopped the people who were buying/selling because the interest rates were so insanely low. Everyone else just needs to buy and sell houses when they need to buy and sell houses.
If you are looking to buy, I will help you. You have more power now because everyone is not in an insane “This money is basically free!” frenzy. You can take your time, and think about what you want. And I can help you think more clearly and get what you want.
If you are selling, you need to be prepared for a bit more push back from buyers. As you can see though, houses are still selling. So I can help you decide where to push, and where not to. While still protecting you legally, financially, and (let’s be honest) mentally.
As always, I love doing what I do. I love looking at the market, and I love building relationships with the people I get to help. Let me know how I can help you. Call me today. You can reach me at 515.724.3163 or RyanLynch@KW.com. I am good at what I do, and I want to help you.
~Ryan Lynch