You have less than two weeks to beat the market. If you are thinking about selling your house anytime soon, you have less than two weeks to beat everyone else to the market. March will be the beginning of more and more houses coming on the market. In April, the floodgates will open. Right now, there is so little inventory on the market, you have no competition whatsoever.
Right now the 30 year fixed rate (as of Feb 17th) is 3.63% The 52 week low is 3.55% That means the mortgage rates right now are only .08% off of the lowest they have been in the entire last year. If you don’t think that drives more buyers to be out shopping RIGHT NOW, I will write another post about supply and demand later.
So right now mortgage interest rates are almost at the lowest they have been, and inventory is at the lowest it has been as well. If you are interested in getting your house sold for more money in less time, you can reach me at 515.639.0047 or Pass this on to any of your friends or family as well if you want them to know that you helped make them more money.
~Ryan Lynch