I had something happen yesterday that just reminded me of the importance of working with people that know what they are doing. I had a client that wanted to buy a house and was dealing with multiple roadblocks.
At first I didn’t push and let them handle it, because that is what they seemed to want. After they started to get frustrated I just started asking more and more questions. It turns out that they were just dealing with an inexperienced person, and with some information I fixed their problem within an hour, and now they have the house they want under contract.
The reason I point this out is that I have a lot of experience that the average realtor does not. Helping so many people, helping investors, and being an investor myself have taught me a lot of things. The number one thing, is that if there is a will, there is a way. I have had many clients come to me saying that a lender/contractor/whoever told them something wasn’t possible, that I could show them how to do that day.
Borrow my brains, I love to share!!!
I love doing what I do. I love looking at the market, and I love building relationships with the people that I get to help. Let me know how I can help you. Call me today. You can reach me at 515.639.0047 or RyanLynch@KW.com. I am good at what I do, and I want to help you.
~Ryan Lynch