I keep having the same question raised: how is this real estate market here in Des Moines, IA?
I will tell you right now, it is weird. We are actually ahead of 2023, and have been (barely) all year. Year to date through May 25th, 4634 houses have sold. The same time last year, 4619 houses sold. However, we are nowhere near the heights of previous years. For reference, in 2022 we sold 5934 houses at this time. So we are not in the raging market of previous years, and we are not doing terrible.
What is really happening is rates are affecting both sides of the transaction. Many sellers are looking at their near 3% interest rate and wondering why they would ever sell. While most buyers are looking at current rates and being more picky because their mortgage is more expensive.
In short, are houses still selling? Absolutely. Has the process gotten trickier? Also, yes.
I have actually talked a few people out of selling this year based off the information I gave them. I am sad to lose the deal. I am in this for the long run though, and so being straight with people is the way I am choosing to go.
If you are looking to buy or sell, I want to help. I will give you all the information I can and help you to decide what works best for you. Give me a call.
As always, I love doing what I do. I love looking at the market, and I love building relationships with the people I get to help. Let me know how I can help you. Call me today. You can reach me at 515.639.0047 or RyanLynch@KW.com. I am good at what I do, and I want to help you.
~Ryan Lynch